Friday, April 10, 2009

Finally....A Day Off!!

I took a little road trip to spend the day with one of my best friends (and Scentsy sponsor), Amanda. Amanda lives near Lexington and I wanted to just get away from everyday life and come down here to relax for a day. I was able to sleep in till 9am! I haven't done that in a while because I work and every time I turn around...there is something Scentsy related that I have to take care of.

I'm lovin' Scentsy! There is really a lot of fun involved and it's great that I get to work with Amanda on ideas for parties so that we can earn fun money! It's not really like a job at all, but it's a cool way to earn some extra cash. Missy has helped me tremendously with Scentsy too! She is my "Human Calculator" and my "UPS pick-up girl"! Thanks Missy and Amanda for all you do to help me out with this! Oh and if anyone is reading this and you're curious as to what Scentsy is...just go to my website and check it out....and if you book a party, you could earn free and half priced product. My website is and you can also reach me via email at to ask any questions.

Missy and I have been so busy traveling too. We love to go to our concerts and spend time with our favorite bands! Last month we went to Paducah, KY to see Emerson Drive and then we also went to Pittsburgh to see Adam Gregory and Quincy, IL to see Emerson Drive AGAIN!!! We don't have any concerts planned this month because no one is close enough to go see, but there will be more in the future....I'm sure of it!

Well....I guess since it's almost 1pm, I better hop in the shower and start my day...I love doing NOTHING!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Missy M said...

must be nice to get a day

Diana Smith said...


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit! Hopefully next time we'll have better weather and you'll get to see more of our town. :0)